Internship Program

Mindlink Groups Intensive Course will be accompanied by on-the-job training. New agent will be assigned to a team supervisor to walk through the practical aspect of training.

The company reserves the right to access individual performance and handling skills on each sector before proceeding to complete the next sector. Approximate schedule time for each complete course is one day, including practical.

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Are you interested in a challenging and rewarding career in the real estate industry? 

In honor of our 20th anniversary, we are pleased to announce the pilot launch of a sustainable development system in the real estate market.

An internship is a method of on-the-job training for that individual who is keen to be a salesperson yet not knowing are suitable for this industry. Internships Salesperson is similar to apprenticeships for trade and vocational jobs. Although interns are typically college or university students, can also be high school students or post-graduate adults. Mindlink Groups do welcome middle school or even elementary students.

An internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the student and a company. Students can also use an internship to determine if they have an interest in a particular career, create a network of contacts, or gain school credit. Some interns find permanent, paid employment with the organizations with which they interned. This can be a significant benefit to the employer as experienced interns often need little or no training when they begin regular employment. Unlike a trainee program, however, employment at the completion of an internship is not guaranteed.

(New)salespersons who are currently taking, planning to take, or exploring the industry. In the 3 months, instead of performing salesperson roles, they are trained to assist agents with either indoor co-ordinating such as telemarketing, data research, co-broking, following up ex-clients strictly on license salespeople’s behalf This provides a win-win situation where new people gets to learned the On job training while salesperson can do more task instead of a single role. This period property market is booming, thus to leverage the opportunity which gives $1000 as a basic allowance, or up to 30% on the arrangement arrange/followed that closed by license salesperson whichever higher.


Calling and reaching out to new salespeople who are doing their RES course, as well as other personnel who are interested in learning more about the real estate market. Realize and fully understand yourself: do you have what it takes to succeed as a salesperson from A to Z, or are you more suited to working in a team that focuses solely on the indoor, outdoor, or facilitating sectors?

We've got you covered, so don't worry. This isn't a theory class. This is not a motivational seminar. It's all about finding the right mentor and taking action.

• NO CONTRACT; after 3 months of reviews, you are free to choose any other agency.

• Can work with friends and referrals to earn your normal 70/80/90 percent commission.

WHILE ON THE JOB TRAINING, Mindlink Real Estate Agency will pay you a minimum of $1000 or up to 30% of regular commission, whichever is greater.

 Indoor skills Cold Calling Social media data research telemarketing explores and tries the numerous tools available to assist agents. other marketing platforms.

Outdoor skills- Engage in conversation with strangers able to give a presentation to potential customers Possess the ability to conduct property inspections, Negotiation abilities, and Closing abilities

A-Z combination Select your preferred option. Concentrate on residential, commercial, or industrial properties. Optimizing indoor and outdoor abilities

Upon completion of 3 months, Candidates are rewarded with a certificate of honor upon graduation and have the option of continuing their career with Mindlink Real estate agency or joining any other agency.


Why new people? Experience agents don’t wish to get $1k or only 30% knowing they can get more. Why not full-time staff? We do need people with passion and enthusiasm in real estate before this stage works unlike workers with fixed mindsets.

What’s No tie-down? We believed in good faith, trust and understanding is an important key for the long run. After on job training, the candidate can decide if he or she is happy to continue as an assistant or moving up to the next stage as a licensed property salesperson.

No contract? After these 3 months, we do welcome candidates to apply as a practicing agent with our company however due to many influences in the market, we allow freedom to choose agency at their choice. This initiative is to create a comfortable and conducive step for new agents to learn the role of agents with confidence..